Self-Care: When You Can't Get Away

6 Ideas for Self-Care When You Can’t Get Away

by Kate Johnson, LAMFT

I should have seen it coming. After 11 months of slogging through the pandemic and all that comes with it, plus the looming deadline of a project two years in the making, stress levels in our household were already at an all-time high when my husband tested positive for COVID-19. We stressed over his health, my health, our kid’s health, and everyone with whom we’d come in contact. Everything came to a screeching halt while we scrambled to arrange school and work to be done at home while we quarantined. My anxiety was off the charts. If my loved ones, neighbors, and clients were any indication, I knew I was not alone.

Times like these call for intentional self-care techniques to manage it all. The difficulty for many is that some activities we do to fill our tanks are not available in the pandemic, especially when we are stuck at home in lock-down. Quarantine for those that live with others often means no time alone to rest and recenter. Those that live alone often feel isolated and disconnected. It’s a challenge for everyone. I had to dig deep and get creative to find some activities that could still provide the rest and re-centering I needed to juggle everything.

Here are six ideas for self-care when you can’t get away. These can be done alone or with others. Got kids? Practicing these ideas are great to teach and model for your children. We’re a system— if I can manage stress and stay calm, others are more likely to follow suit. Bad temper spreads, but so does good temper.

  1. Breathe. Yep, it’s that simple. When things feel out of control, chaotic, and stressful, even 30 seconds of intentional breathing can help regulate the heart rate, get oxygen to the brain, and calm nerves.

  2. Focus. Being intentional and focused can make a big difference. When you touch something, really touch it. Pay attention to how delightful it is to hold a warm cup of something delicious or how soft your favorite sweater feels against your skin.

  3. Move. The benefits of moving our bodies is undeniable. In quarantine in the dead of winter? No thanks. It’s the couch and Netflix for me, thanks. I get it, but before you get wrapped up in that cozy blanket, go for a stroll, do a few jumping jacks, walk up and down the stairs, or walk the dog. Even the family might join in. (There is nothing funnier than watching little kids try to do jumping jacks. And, bonus! laughter is great exercise.)

  4. Connect. Isolation breeds isolation, even when you’re with others. In quarantine alone: Call a friend. Zoom a family member. In quarantine with others: Be present with the people with you whenever you can. Take just a few minutes to look them in the eyes, give them a hug, be curious about their experience. While I was with my kids almost every moment of every day, I wasn’t present, intentional, or curious very often. When I was, it made all the difference.

  5. Have Compassion. For yourself and others. Whether you say it out loud or in your head, tell yourself “this is hard and I’m doing the best I can and so is everyone else.”

  6. Journal. Whether it’s the written word, art, or photo journaling, stop to remember that this is history. This is also temporary. Keeping a journal is a way of reminding ourselves that it won’t always be this way. We can look back at this time and be proud we made it through!

Are these going to have the same impact as a date night out with my partner, a weekend away with friends, or a luxurious vacation? Of course not, but these six ideas for self-care can give us the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other.